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Route length 1 day

At the Origin of Rice

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The experience

Exclusive experience in the company of an expert Rice Sommelier dedicated to the discovery of this cereal and the ancient traditions that have made it a celebrity of Piedmontese gastronomy. You will learn about what lies inside the “grange,” the first agricultural companies dedicated to the cultivation and production of rice in the Po Valley, and stroll through the rice fields, the “checkerboard sea,” with incredible plays of light between sun and water.

You will also have the opportunity to learn about the figure of the “mondina” (from the verb “mondare,” meaning to clean), an inseparable protagonist from the work in the rice fields of the past. Their task involved spending entire days with water up to their knees, barefoot, and with a curved back to remove the invasive weeds that grew in the rice fields and disturbed the growth of rice seedlings. Also impactful are the social protests for the working conditions endured by these tireless workers. You may also discover that the women in your family were “mondine” themselves and be proud of the contribution they made to the lands dedicated to rice cultivation.

In the rice fields between Novara and Vercelli, in the 1990s, in addition to the many varieties already present, the black Venus rice was also born.

In a few words

cooking show
rice production
ethnographic museum


Casalbeltrame (NO)

Meeting at the rice company in Casalbeltrame where we will begin the guided tour with the Rice Sommelier to learn all the phases of the rice transformation process, from production in the rice fields to drying and aging. But there is also the production of flours: inside the company, you can see the activity of the mill and the grinder.

The visit continues to the Museo ‘L Civel, an ethnographic museum of agricultural tools. Don’t expect the typical ethnographic museum, but a multimedia museum, with audiovisual effects and augmented reality, tactile experiences, and engaging narration about how farming was done before mechanization and how rice cultivation has evolved to this day. A visit to the Museo ‘L Civel is a real journey through time, from season to season, discovering how the rice fields change from winter to spring, to summer, until the harvest festival in autumn.

Lunch at a local restaurant with a cooking show to learn about the many characteristics of rice and the most delicious pairings.

In the afternoon, you will have the opportunity to visit a grange in San Pietro Mosezzo. Here, a water mill has been recovered and activated, which from the 1600s until the second half of the 1800s was the only type of plant for rice cleaning. You can also visit the ancient stables and the dormitory of the “mondine”.

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